
Hello, my name is Alondra Obispo. Welcome to my capstone website!

About Me

I am a rising senior at UIC. I am an Interdisciplinary Education in the Arts (IDEA) major. This is my first semester of the IDEA 410 capstone course.

For my capstone project, I decided to focus on the dangerous working conditions in the manufacturing industry. In the summer of 2018, I had the chance to work in a bread factory under extreme conditions. It was very gruesome and not pleasant. After that experience, I realized that I needed to inform the general public about this. With that said, my goal is to create an illustrated book that includes my experiences as well as some helpful tips for my audience to consider.

As someone who loves to draw on a daily basis, I knew that a children’s book would be perfect for my project.

A new skill that I mastered this spring semester was the application Procreate.

Fall 2021 Second Semester Progress:

To be continued…

Timeline – Target Goals

First Phase Presentation  – Due Date : 2/4

-Have finalized research topic 

-Gather necessary research material in regards to topic

-Create a bibliography (+5 sources) 

-Set-up assigned UIC website for IDEA 410 

Notes: Taylorism, scientific management, JSTOR, and MoMa: Reclaiming the kitchen.

Revisist notes/books from History 104 – Modern America – From Industrialization to Globalization 

Second Phase Presentation – Due Date : ¾

-Revised bibliography

-Created an annotated bibliography based on the bibliography

-Draft preliminary sketches for my journal entries (5+ sketches and journal entries) 

-Draft journal entries in regards to my work experience 

Third Phase Presentation – Due Date : 4/8

-Draft additional entries and sketches

-Organize all current material at hand 

-Prototype draft of my illustration book 

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