Progress Journal (Fall 2021)

Week 5


  • I need to start planning my interviews this semester.
  • Reach out to advisors on – specifically in the field of manufacturing, human resources, and/or business administration.
Trending topic of the week on Twitter: the El Milagro workers protest working conditions

I find it interesting that new employees at El Milagro were getting better pay compared to their older employees. One of the working conditions mentioned in the article that really surprised was that the production machines are running at high speed levels.

Well, it looks like safety first is out of the window….

Now I understand why there has been shortage of tortillas since the middle of summer 2021.

Week 6


  • CareerSpring Career meetings – Success!
  • I managed to speak with 2 advisors to receive comments on my current prototype to finalize it.
  • Based on my conversations with CareerSpring advisors, I need to focus on: -Clarify and emphasize tips and suggestions -Pin-point to readers how labor shortage in manufacturing affects the consumer. (Think of a pyramid) -Look into the Management of Change concept -Consider getting my work reviewed by folks that are involved in union work.

Not so relevant news pertaining to my capstone research: Dollar Tree has decided to raise the price of their items to more than $1. *Sad cries*

Week 7


I went through my closet and found a couple of graphic novels that I had from high school. I like the layout of the panels. I might consider following a similar format for my final project.

-Based on the feedback that I received from my presentation:

-I could format my illustration book into a huge poster.

-Two-panel page like a chick tract

-Make the content personal?

-Consider reformatting the style of the text font.

Week 8


I went through my closet again and I found my dad’s work uniform from his former job…

He worked at Metaldyne for 15 years doing die casting. The plant closed down in 2009…

I wear his old uniform shirt for my painting class… Now that’s what I call recycling!

Week 9


I had my third informational interview this week! Success. My meeting with D.M. was phenomenal!

So glad that I was able to meet with another professional and get important and insightful information this time!

One of the key ideas that I really took away in my meeting with D.M. was purpose and connection.

-With that in mind, I will try to make my project personal for my readers. 🙂

Week 10


Can’t believe that it is week ten already… It feels like I am still starting the fall semester. Time sure does go by fast.

So I hopped onto google and typed “My experience working at a factory” and I found people’s response of their work life through Quora. I think looking through other people’s experiences, aside from my family, would be beneficial when it comes to drafting my final project. Here are a few quotes that I picked up from the Quora posts:

“Some places are slightly better and others worse, but there is almost always a high level of pressure on everyone at all times at a factory.” – Robert George Antonii D’Angelo

“I won’t lie your feet may ache, your back might hurt from all the lifting (is there is any). You might get bored but I find myself happily daydreaming or silently singing to myself.” – Robert Burton

“I started out in the boring, repetitive, low level work that everyone thinks factory work is, but I moved up, and out, from one area, or side of the factory to another. You see, like with any job, generally the entry level sucks and it gets sweeter up the ladder, if you want to call being a machine operator ‘climbing the ladder’.” – Gen Walsh

“These jobs can allow for one to day dream about what they are passionate about. Some creative types love this environment for this very reason.” – John Cheerhart

These quotes are found under the Quora link here:

Week 11


This is what it’s like to work in an Amazon warehouse – by CNN

Notes from the video presented above:

-Given 8 minutes for bathroom break – this includes your commute to your destination!

-Physical and mental strain from labor.

-The people present made the work worthwhile.

Week 12


As the semester is coming closer to the end, I started this week with initial drafting . After carefully reviewing the research that I have gathered this fall semester, I decided to create another storyboard for my final project.

-I am thinking of possibly reusing a few of my illustrations from prototype project and incorporating new drawings based on the research that I have conducted these past couple of weeks.

NOTE TO SELF: Do my images accurately reflect what my writing is conveying? (Food for thought when it comes to final project)

Week 13


In my previous week, I was drafting out ideas in regards to my final project. I have just kept drafting out my project on Procreate. Still debating on how to format the layout for my project.

I used this link to better understand how storyboards work:

Week 14


Again, still working final sketches on procreate…

-I have been looking into infographics and understanding how they function. (I’m trying to see if I can integrate some of these concepts into my book.)


Link to my google presentation progress work:

Week 15


Well…I am happy to say that I really enjoyed the outcome of my final project. 🙂

I am glad that I had all of my illustrations laid out using design software. With that said, it was very tricky to maneuver with The tools and mechanics are not like InDesign. I probably should have just used that…

The premium version of Canva has more access to different tools and flexibility.

I really appreciate getting a chance to talk to professionals in regards to the manufacturing industry. I don’t think my project would have gotten this far if it weren’t for their feedback and suggestions.

One of my favorite aspects of my final project is including the address book and notes’ section. This feature reminded me of the moleskine notebooks and agendas that I used to own before. I just wanted to make sure that my storybook came back to my reader. In essence, I wanted to add a drizzle of interactivity.

My project can be found under the tab Final Project.
